Arula Aswangga Azhar

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


sometime happy
sometime worry
sometime feelin' groovy
sometime become sadden
sometime nearly lonely

and that word keep talking

it takes certain amount of time
it could be unpredictable

the plan being failed


there's a hope
there's a proud
there's generosity
there's dedication
there's empathy

i must be tough i should find a way


daydreamer said...

halaa.. itu landasan pacu mo kemana? ke bulan? ikuuuuuuuuuut...

tukangpot said...

ihh si tukang mimpi di siang bolong! ituu kann landasan untuk naik kereta ke bandung! jes jes jes naik kereta api tut tut tut siapaa hendak turutttt *bersenandung*